เหลียนจิน เฉิง,การออกแบบ PCB มืออาชีพ, การปรับแต่ง, การพิสูจน์อักษร, ผู้ผลิต

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ข่าวอุตสาหกรรม PCB

การพัฒนาและแนวโน้มของอุตสาหกรรม PCB

(1) Industry development
As the core basic component of the electronic information industry, the printed circuit board is known as themother of the electronic industry”. The downstream application fields of the PCB industry are very extensive, and the market space is broad.
With the acceleration of the construction process of thenew infrastructuresector and theEast Count Westproject of network communication, data center, artificial intelligence, new energy vehicles, industrial Internet, UHV and smart grid, network communication, new High-value-added and high-growth emerging application fields such as high-definition display, new energy and driverless vehicle electronics, artificial intelligence, smart medical care, industrial Internet, big data and cloud computing will gain opportunities for vigorous development, thereby promoting the continued and steady growth of the PCB industry . As the foundation of the electronic information industry, the printed circuit board industry has a huge market.
According to Prismark statistics and forecasts, the global PCB market size in 2022 will be US$81.74 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.0%. It is estimated that by 2027, the global PCB market will reach US$98.39 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.8% from 2022 ถึง 2027. Benefiting from the transfer of global PCB production capacity to China and the vigorous development of downstream electronic terminal product manufacturing, my country has and will continue to become the world’s largest PCB market.
According to Prismark statistics and forecasts, the PCB market size in mainland my country will be US$42.55 billion in 2022, ลดลงเมื่อเทียบเป็นรายปี 1.4%, การบัญชีสำหรับ 52.06% of the global share; it is estimated that by 2027, the PCB market size in mainland my country will reach US$51.13 billion, 2022- CAGR of 3.3% ใน 2027. Judging from the development trend of domestic PCB products, the product structure is gradually developing towards higher precision, higher performance and higher reliability.
Among them, multi-layer boards, เอชดีไอ, and flexible circuit boards have become the main force in the market, and with the vigorous development of downstream emerging industries, higher-precision multi-layer boards, เอชดีไอ, rigid-flexible boards, FPC application modules, IC packaging substrates, etc. Sharp PCB products are in a period of rapid growth in demand. At the same time, my country’s PCB industry presents a pattern of “100 billion market, 1000 enterprises”, and the market concentration is not high.
(2) Industry development trend
The technological development of the PCB industry is closely related to the demand for downstream electronic end products. With the vigorous development of emerging application fields such as network communication, new high-definition display, new energy and unmanned vehicle electronics, artificial intelligence, smart medical care, industrial Internet, big data and cloud computing, the requirements for PCB production technology level are also synchronized Improvement, PCB products will be increasingly high density, high performance and high reliability.
High density mainly refers to the requirements for the size of the printed circuit board aperture, the width of the wiring, and the number of layers. For example, HDI technology, high density is an important direction for the development of PCB technology. In addition, on the basis of HDI technology, M-SAP and other processes are used to further refine the lines and increase the density.
High performance mainly refers to improving the performance of PCB in terms of impedance and heat dissipation, thereby enhancing the reliability of products. Modern electronic products require fast information transmission rate, increased information transmission volume, and high-frequency digital transmission signals. Only with good impedance can the effective transmission of information be guaranteed.
On the one hand, the volume of terminal electronic products is getting smaller and smaller, and the design of PCB products is getting smaller and smaller; on the other hand, the heat generation density of electronic products is constantly increasing, which leads to more and more attention to the heat dissipation function of PCBs. High reliability mainly means that PCB can play a stable carrier role to achieve long-term and stable operation of PCBA, thereby ensuring the safety, stability and service life of terminal electronic products.
With the highly complex structure of modern equipment, more types of components required and more complicated data, PCB is the core carrier of electronic product link components. The more layers, the more components, the more complex the internal structure, the reliability impact The larger it is, the higher the requirements for PCB reliability. At the same time, with the application of a new generation of network communication technology, its characteristics such as ultra-low latency, ultra-high speed, and ultra-large connection have also put forward higher requirements for PCB in terms of new materials, new processes, and high-frequency and high-speed product characteristics.



